Friday 25 March 2016

Live Lagom Part II

Finally the winter is beginning to thaw, and the flowers in the garden have started to bloom which must mean only one thing… spring is finally springing…it has felt like a long winter. But this has been good for indoor activities and organisation ! We have been working hard at home to implement and enjoy our new lagom lifestyle. 

I have noticed a huge reduction in the amount of household waste we put out… having moved over from Berlin where the bins got emptied on a twice weekly schedule I was a little worried about our wheelie bin only being emptied twice a week, but following the installation of our recycling boxes the bin is now only ever half full and most of the rubbish are dirty nappies ! 

As the kitchen is being slowly redesigned, I am also really enjoying my storage jars, limiting the amount of food I buy and increasing the beauty of the shelves ! 

My blind on the kitchen window works wonders, keeps drafts out so the kitchen is bearable first thing in the morning (there is no radiator in there and I didn’t want to have to use an electric heater), and below this are the newly installed taps. So far, I can’t say that i’ve noticed much of a difference, other than the hot water pressure is slightly lower, but it feels good to know I am not wasting as much water, especially as I do the washing up analogue style by hand, and know that water is easy to waste. 

Unfortunately I have come across a few barriers in my project. 

Some are purely seasonal and I hope to get going now the above mentioned Spring has truly kicked off, mostly to get my outdoor furniture built and installed so I can continue to create my sensory garden just outside my back door. I have been able to start planting herbs indoors, with the help of my little greenhouse and growing sets… cannot wait to see the fruits from these, and will move them outdoors once they are more established. Joining these will be my tomato and pepper growing kits, again, just waiting for the weather to really warm up. 

Others have been, sadly, that the products I selected just couldn’t be installed, or simply didn’t fit. The VITAHULT charging unit I chose and was REALLY looking forward to using, didn’t fit my iPhone, which was a real shame. Also, the bathroom mirror. Because of the way which the UK law works about having switches in the bathroom, and the design of the STORJORM mirror not having an independent light switch has meant I’ve had to rethink my bathroom lighting…but all is not lost. I have re-thought the lighting design, and am replacing the mirror with other LED lights which can run off the main switch and not cause problems.

My bathroom has also seen more “green” improvements with the addition of my plant hangers, which create a little oasis. I love them and cannot wait for the plants to grow bigger and start taking over ! 

I cannot wait to get everything else installed and up and running, and I am looking forward to sharing the results of both my outdoor and indoor activities…

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